Art Lessons Montreal ART LESSONS MONTREAL Art Lessons Montreal: Montreal English-Friendly Main Portrait Artist, Portrait Artist Portrait artist creates high-end work of children. Portrait art work done with graphite or colour. No long sittings; art portrait is done from photo session. portrait, art, artist, artists, artwork, picture, painting, drawing, pastel, Montreal, children, child, children's, Contact Contact Info Portrait Artist na na Address Address Portrait Artist Portraits Portraits 123 World SiteMap SiteMap

Friday, May 13, 2005

Montreal English-Friendly

Here and now let me say that I find the notion that Francophones in Montreal are bitter about and refuse to speak English largely a myth. So if your French is rusty (or non-existent) then have a bit of faith and ignore the rumours: les Montrealais are a friendly bunch and, while they demand to have the services that they pay for out of their own taxes in their own language, they understand that most of North America is unilingual... they are not monsters...!!!

In fact, if there are any francophones out there reading this, contact me, as I am a professional and experienced English teacher, offering services in English as an Additional Language. Email me at


Blogger DD said...

Good to know, thank you! I was suffering under the misconception myself.

2:53 PM  

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